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June 3, 2024

Today, our volunteers conducted small workshops on the history of the European Union together with several young people. Bringing small activities among the students is essential to bring back the knowledge learned during the YOUTH2EU project mobilities. A simple game like linking dates with important moments in the foundation and development of the EU can help to have a better understanding of a history that belongs to us as a nation and as citizens. Arriving at the 2024 elections with a greater knowledge and awareness of what the EU has been, is and will be for Italy and for young people is fundamental in order to vote responsibly. Voting is not only a right but also a civic duty that young people in particular must care about in order to build their present and future!

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Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Key Action 2 Sector: Youth Education

PROJECT NUMBER 2023-1-L01-KA210-YOU-000167193


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