Italy November 20, 2023
Europe, here we come! First stop, Prague. Driven by great enthusiasm, once again the FTS team is preparing to head off for a new and exciting project "Enhancing Youth Participation in Democratic EU Processes" (alias, YOUTH2EU), led by the Polish partners of the Centrum Edukacji i Badan Spolecznych. The FTS delegation will be represented by Carla Sabatini (team leader and project manager of FTS) and our two successful applicants Elisa, and Angelica. Elisa is a junior student of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Florence, Italy. Having a background in classical studies, she is new to social studies and civics and is eager to understand more about the European Union and its institutions. As she points out, to date, Civics is not a formal study subject in Italian high-school, but is broken down into subtopics as part of the curriculum of other subjects, so there is not much awareness. Angelica has recently graduated from the Arts school Antonello Gagini of Siracusa in Sicily, Italy. She has already taken part to other exchange projects, among which a one-year high school attendance in the United States. She is fond of environmental issues and is looking forward to learning about the EU institutions and how matters are dealt with at the EU level. Carla is very enthusiast and confident the two candidates will stand out for their enthusiasm and actively contribute to the project activities. As she comments, “Today, the sense of belonging to a European community and involvement in its institutions is still feeble. In general, there appears to be a lack of political awareness: young people often do not have enough knowledge about government policies and activities. This may result in a lack of interest and willingness to participate in the electoral process. YOUTH2EU aims to promote active citizenship, enhance the knowledge of younger generations on European institutions, and increase the interest of voters at the EP election.” In preparation of the first LTT, the FTS team is busy, doing prework activities, with online meeting and individual study.Share with your friends: