Italy January 12, 2024
Look out, here they come!! They are Carla, Erika and Turia and they are charged up to face a new experience in Seville in a few weeks! With the organization phase over, our group only has to worry about packing their bags. Representing the Italian side Sustainable Tuscany Foundation in the YOUTH2EU project, our trio will participate in a unique cultural exchange experience with groups from the other participating countries Poland (project Leader), Spain and Greece. For updates from the first Erasmus+ in 2024, stay tuned! The Erasmus+ YOUTH2EU project continues, with preparation for the next mobility, this time in Seville with the dynamic trio Carla (one of the FTS pillars in the Erasmus + projects) together with the FTS volunteers Erika and Turia representing the Italian part Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile (FTS ). Erika D'Andrea is also a volunteer and representative of the Shannara cooperative in Portici (Naples), as well as a student and future support teacher. Touriya Hajjoub has a degree in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation and is currently a master's student in African Relations and Institutions. She is a representative of the Arci Ragazzi Portici (NA) association. Having completed the organization and training phase before the trip, the trio is ready for the now very close departure, for a unique cultural exchange experience together with the groups of the Centrum Edukacji i Badan Spolecznych - CEBS (Project Leader for YOUTH2EU) for Poland - CEBS, ACHAIKO INSTITUTO EKPEDEFSIS ENILIKON for Greece, CESKA RADA DETI A MLADEZE for the Czech Republic and Center of Local Actions and Social Heritage - CLASH for Spain. #ErasmusPlus #erasmusprojectShare with your friends: