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Polonia December 1, 2023

"IN PRAGUE'S GRACE, SPARKING THE ELECTORAL RACE" Recently we met in Prague to work on the project Youth2EU encouraging young people to vote in upcoming European Parliament elections. The program was a dynamic mix of workshops, discussions, and interactive sessions designed to tackle the issue of youth disengagement from the electoral process. It brought together participants from various backgrounds to get to know each other better and see different European cultures from Italy, Greece, Spain, Poland and Czech. It was amazing experience to see Prague in winter, see the snow and beautiful architecture, try some national cousine and have fun at the local places. We danced, we laughed and made new friendships that will last forever. Program aimed not only to inform but also to inspire lasting change. By equipping young citizens with knowledge and skills, it aimed to create a generation committed to actively participating in democracy. As the program concluded, its legacy remained—a group of impassioned young individuals ready to contribute to shaping Europe's future.

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Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Key Action 2 Sector: Youth Education

PROJECT NUMBER 2023-1-L01-KA210-YOU-000167193


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